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Product Updates - December 15, 2022
Overview of Changes Dashboard Saved State Asset and Date Range selections are now automatically saved each time that you modify them for one or more widgets in a Dashboard. When reopened, Dashboards display the most recent state for each user. ...
Product Updates - December 1, 2022
Overview of Changes Platform Navigation The Sight Machine Manufacturing Data Platform navigation has been updated to improve the speed of your workflow and product orientation. Main Navigation Product lines have been reorganized within the mai...
Product Updates - November 10, 2022
Product Updates - November 10, 2022 Overview of Changes Pipeline Manager Rebranding: Workspaces Pipeline Manager has been renamed to Workspaces . Previously, the only artifacts that were editable in Pipeline Manager were a pipeline and,...
Product Updates - October 27, 2022
Overview of Changes Reporting Automation Automated recurring reports are now available for Dashboards. Once you schedule a report, the report PDF and a link to the Dashboard are emailed automatically to its recipients based on the report's sche...
Product Updates - October 14, 2022
Overview of Changes Pipeline Builder Operator: Rotate Wide The new transform Rotate Narrow pivots tabular data into key-value data. This operator does the opposite of the existing transform Rotate, which pivots key-value data into tabular dat...
Product Updates - October 13, 2022
Overview of Changes Pipeline Builder Preview Improvements This release contains two improvements to the Preview feature in Pipeline Builder: 1. You can now open the Preview and Edit panes simultaneously. The Preview pane appears to the left of ...
Product Updates - September 15, 2022
Overview of Changes Pipeline Builder: Usability Improvements The following improvements have been made: In the Deployed view, when the logs are open, highlighting is now added to every operator with errors or warnings, making it easier to fin...
Product Updates - September 1, 2022
Overview of Changes Cookbooks: Status Visibility for Data Type Changes Cookbooks can now detect when a Data Field has changed from a categorical to a continuous Data Type and vice versa. The resulting error message provides recommendations for...
Product Updates - August 18, 2022
Overview of Changes Pipeline Merge Workflow Pipeline Builder now supports a Merge Pipeline workflow that compares and combines two Pipelines. You can create a new merge draft from the menu on any Pipeline in the Pipeline Manager. If ...
Product Updates - August 4, 2022
Overview of Changes Dynamic Dashboards You can now easily view and modify Asset and Date Range selections for single, multiple, or all widgets at once. Set common Assets across all widgets on Dashboards with mixed Asset attributes. ...
Product Updates - July 21, 2022
Overview of Changes Cookbooks: KPI Optimization You can use functions such as Target , Minimize , and Maximize to optimize your production process with KPIs in the Outcomes section of Cookbooks. Use the Optimization drop-down box to selec...
Product Updates - July 7, 2022
Overview of Changes Cookbooks: Status Visibility Cookbooks now provide a Status column that enables you to understand changes to existing Cookbooks and surface any errors in deployed recipes. The new Status column provides detailed i...
Product Updates - June 9, 2022
Overview of Changes Text Formatting: Single Value Widgets and Data Tables You can now specify a number separator (1000’s separator) for data that is displayed in Single Value Widgets. To specify this option, in the overflow menu of the S...
Product Updates - May 26, 2022
Overview of Changes Manufacturing Applications: Wildcard Search The use of wildcard characters in data field name searches is now supported in Manufacturing Applications. Using wildcards, you can perform powerful and precise searches across dat...
Product Updates - May 12, 2022
Overview of Changes User Security: Session Duration You can now define how long a user should remain signed in during each session. To modify the setting, go to Settings > User s > Security . By default, the user session t...
Product Updates - April 28, 2022
Overview of Changes Using a Share Link to Perform Data Validation in Workspaces Developer users can now send a Share link to Basic users to allow them to temporarily use non-Production data in the Manufacturing Applications to perform data va...
Product Updates - April 14, 2022
Overview of Changes Pipeline Builder: Preview and Autodraft Workflow In previous releases, in Preview, you could only select the number of records to use, and these records were always pulled from the beginning of the RawQ topics used. And Auto...
Product Updates - March 31, 2022
Overview of Changes Asset Picker Search Each asset attribute (Machine Type, Location, etc.) is now visible, available as a filter, and the list is searchable. The new Asset Picker also supports configurable asset attributes for...
Product Updates - March 2, 2022
Overview of Changes Data Visualization: Expanded Y Axis Support In Data Visualization, expanded support for two or more Y axes now lets you understand your production process and relationships across process parameters. Visualizing mult...
Product Updates - February 2022
Overview of Changes Raw Data Analysis in Data Visualization You can analyze raw data and validate data quality with all of the features available in the Data Visualization application. The Raw Data model is now available in Data Visualization f...