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    Article summary

    You can access the Centerlines application by clicking on Centerlines in the lower navigation menu of Factory OPERATE.

    The Centerlines application lets production teams monitor critical process variables (or centerlines) and determine if they should be running their process more optimally.  This application improves the workflow for Operators to record process variable compliance and report out-of-spec values that are important for the Line team to understand and address.

    Centerline Reports

    Operators typically audit critical process variables right after a shift change, or a product changeover.  They will need to verify that each key machine setting is within the acceptable range of the ideal (centerline) value and record the status of each variable as In Spec or Out of Spec.

    The Centerlines main page provides a list of Centerline reports along with information such as the Operator and Machine, the time at which the report was initiated, the % completion status of the report, as well as the number of out-of-spec adjustments identified in each shift.