Contextualize Downtimes
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    Contextualize Downtimes

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    Article summary

    As you investigate the cause of a Downtime, you will need to enter this information so that you can code a failure mode and failure mode cause for your equipment stop.

    Editing Downtimes

    To add contextual information to a Downtime event, click on Edit.  You will now be able to see a Timeline view of your Downtime as well as reference information such as Start Time, End Time, and Fault Code and Fault Code Description.  For example, on the Filler, you could view fault codes such as Fault Code: 12 Airveyor Can Jam.  

    You can now add a Failure mode, Failure Mode Cause, and free-text Comments for this specific Downtime.

    Selecting Failure Mode and Cause

    The options for Failure Mode and Failure Mode Cause are provided in convenient drop-down menus, enabling the standardization of the added context.

    For example, you could select a Failure Mode of Bottle Jam, and a Failure Mode Cause of Conveyor.  You can add a Comment to communicate more detailed information to the Line team and Operators regarding the root cause of the Downtime.

    Once you enter this information, click on Save.

    It may take upto 30 seconds for your changes to be displayed on the list of Downtimes.