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    Article Summary

    The Analysis tools is a suite of out-of-the-box advanced analytics tools that come with the Sight Machine platform. These tools support univariate and multivariate analyses of time-series data, which range from describing behavior over time to investigating correlations between parameters. The Analysis tools are designed to identify variables that exhibit behaviors that may be impacting production processes, uncover relationships between variables, and track performance over time.

    The Analysis tools support click-through analysis, which recommends workflows through the different tools to uncover additional information. You can access click-through links by clicking data, such as a cell in the Correlation Heatmap or a bar in a histogram in Variance Analysis. Clicking opens a menu of links to Analysis tools that are related to your current analysis. After you follow a click-through link, the next analysis automatically uses the same parameters that you selected in the first Analysis tool.

    It is important to remember that all of these exploratory analytic tools are built on the data modeled by Sight Machine’s AI Data Pipeline. The AI Data Pipeline uses machine learning and AI to dissect raw data and remove variability that happens outside the cycle that could interfere with the analysis, such as anomalies during planned downtime. In addition, the AI Data Pipeline models summarize parameter readings for each cycle, eliminating noise from higher granularity readings that may be too detailed for an exploratory analysis.