Product Updates - April 20, 2023
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    Product Updates - April 20, 2023

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    Article summary

    Overview of Changes

    Default Landing Page All Sight Machine users can now view the Homepage and obtain a global overview of their operations immediately upon logging in to the platform.

    See New Homepage Is the Default Landing Page.
    WidgetsYou can now modify the font size of the Single Value and Notepad widgets' titles from the updated Formatting Options menu.

    See Single Value and Notepad Widgets: Title Formatting.

    New Homepage Is the Default Landing Page

    After logging in, Sight Machine users can now obtain a global view of their operations from the Homepage.

    To learn more about how you can use the Homepage to navigate your facility, view your lines and machines, and quickly access relevant content, see Product Updates - March 9, 2023.

    Single Value and Notepad Widgets: Title Formatting

    You can now modify the font size of the Single Value and Notepad widgets’ titles from the Formatting Options menu.  

    Note: The Formatting Options menu was previously known as the Text Formatting menu.