Product Updates - January 12, 2023
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    Product Updates - January 12, 2023

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    Article summary

    Overview of Changes

    AlertsThe Alerts summary page now includes an incident count for all alerts.
    See Alerting Improvements.
    DashboardsFor customers with global manufacturing operations and shared dashboards across regions, dashboard consumers can now update a dashboard Time Zone for all widgets at once using a new time zone picker.
    See Dashboard Time Zone Selection.
    PipelinesThis release contains a new version of the expressions engine that reduces the total run time of many Pipelines by up to 40%. All production environments have been upgraded.
    See Pipeline Expressions v2.

    Alerting Improvements

    Alerts now display the incident count. When you select the incident count, you are redirected to the Incident History page, where an automatic filter displays all incidents that are related to that specific alert.

    Dashboard Time Zone Selection

    For customers with global manufacturing operations and shared dashboards across regions, dashboard consumers can now update a dashboard time zone for all widgets at once using a new Time Zone picker. This capability is disabled by default but you can enable it by going to the Feature toggle, and then clicking  Enable Bulk Timezone Picker.

    The new Time Zone picker displays the Multiple Time Zones button for dashboards that contain multiple time zones across widgets. To modify the time zone for all widgets at once, click Multiple Time Zones, and then click Edit Time Zone for All Widgets.

    Pipeline Expressions v2

    This release contains a new version of the expressions engine that runs the Apply Expression and Filter By Expression operators. Expressions that are compatible with the new engine compile 3x faster and run up to 200x faster, which reduces the total run time of many Pipelines by up to 40%.

    You can find the new syntax changes to the expressions language in the operator documentation or at: 


    In addition, the following new functions are now available:

    • DateTime.unixEpoch(), which is equivalent to DateTime.toInstant('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')
    • String.startsWith(prefix, s)
    • String.endsWith(suffix, s)
    • String.contains(substr, s)

    The v2 engine has been released to production environment Pipelines and is compatible with the new syntax. If you use the old syntax, a validation error/warning with details appears.

    NOTE: If you use any external scripts to generate or edit Pipelines, make sure to update them to use the new syntax.