Product Updates - June 1, 2023
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    Product Updates - June 1, 2023

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    Article summary

    Product Updates - June 1, 2023

    CookbooksYou can now apply filters before runs are scored, so that the scoring algorithm only includes records that meet the filter criteria.

    See Cookbooks: Filter Runs Before Scoring.
    Data VisualizationsPareto charts now have options to show Top N data points and aggregate remaining bars.

    See Data Visualization: Pareto Chart Options.
    PlatformThis release also contains a number of bug fixes and minor improvements.

    See Updates/Fixes.

    Cookbooks: Filter Runs Before Scoring

    In Cookbooks, you can now apply the filters to runs before the runs are scored. The new filtering option is available as a drop-down option in the Filters section.

    • When you select the Apply Filters Before Scoring Runs option, run scores and outcomes are computed only over the records that meet the filter criteria.
    • When you select the Apply Filters After Scoring Runs option, run scores and outcomes are computed over all records in the run, and the filter criteria are then applied to the records in each run.

    Data Visualization: Pareto Chart Options

    Pareto chart types in Data Visualization widgets now have additional display options. Enable charts to only display select data points using the Show Top N bars option.  There is also an option to Aggregate Remaining Bars.


    • You can now use the Manage Templates dev page with the Pipeline Templating features. More comprehensive release notes on this feature will be published with the next release.
    • In Pipeline Merge, the Comparison tab of each operator now supports highlighting that shows differences between the two versions that you are merging.
    • An issue in which the Line picker no longer showed assets has been resolved.