Product Updates - May 18, 2023
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    Product Updates - May 18, 2023

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    Article summary

    Overview of Changes

    Homepage - KPIsThe Homepage now displays KPIs at the Facility, Line, and Machine level, with color-coded indicators highlighting KPI performance against target thresholds.
    See KPI Visibility on the Homepage.
    • Single Value and Data Visualization widgets now display units of measure for KPI data fields by default. 
    • The Data field picker for KPI data models also displays units of measure when you select the Unit category. 
    • The Show/Hide Units toggle in Formatting Options lets you turn off the display of units.

    See KPIs: Units of Measure.

    KPI Visibility on Homepage

    All Sight Machine users can now view their KPIs on the Homepage. 

    KPIs are color-coded to indicate if they are in or out of range with respect to target threshold values, enabling you to quickly assess plant health.

    The default time range for KPI computations is Last 24 hours, but you can override it.

    NOTE: At this time, Sight Machine only supports Relative Time Ranges up to Last Week.

    You can view KPIs for each Facility on the Facility card. Click Visit Facility to further view Line and Machine KPIs. The default KPI computations for Facility and Line include all Machines in the Facility or Line.

    Contact your Customer Success representative to set up or modify your KPI configurations. 

    KPIs: Units of Measure

    KPI data fields now display units of measure (if units are defined) in both Single Value and Data Visualization widgets. KPI units are displayed by default. 

    For Single Value Widgets, you can turn off KPI units of measure by clicking the Formatting Options > Display Units toggle in the overflow menu. 

    Supported display types include the following:

    • Big Text
    • Progress Bar
    • Gauge

    The data field picker for KPI models also displays units of measure when you select the Unit category.