Selecting How to Visualize the Raw Data
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    Selecting How to Visualize the Raw Data

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    Article summary

    On the Raw Data Visualization screen sidebar, you can select how you want to visualize the raw data.

    The Raw Data Visualization options include:

    1. Asset: You can select an asset from your raw data.
    2. Stream Types: You can select one or more stream types. All are selected by default, and you can remove stream types to apply a filter.
    3. Raw Field: You can select one raw field to visualize over time.NOTE: You can later select a second field, but are limited to one in this window.
    4. Date Range: You can click the date range selector, and then select the range that you want to display.
    5. Show by: You can change the chart from time series to distribution (i.e., how often the variable you selected occurs at certain values).
    6. Update: Click this button to generate the chart.
      NOTE: If the results contain more than 10,000 records, the interface will only display the first 10,000.