SMS Notifications
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    SMS Notifications

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    Article summary


    In order to be able to use SMS notifications you must have enabled in your environment, the following feature flags:

    • Alerting

    • Alerts via SMS


    1- Add Phone Number

    • Users are required to add their phone number on their profile page to be able to become a recipient for SMS alerts 

    • Phone numbers have to be formatted as XXX-XXX-XXXX

    • ⚠️Do not include international code

    2- SMS Recipients

    • For any existing or new alert, users that have a phone number can be assigned as recipients using SMS.

    • To make filtering easier, recipients list include a filter to be able to see all available SMS recipients.

    3- Add Recipient to Alert

    • Finally, you can select the users you want to add as recipients for the alert

    • SMS recipients will have their phone number listed underneath their name, as opposed to email recipients that will have their email instead.

    4- Anatomy of the Alert

    • Title indicating that it’s a Sight Machine alert

    • The name of the alert

    • A short prompt indicating urgency

    • Link to alert details


    Which alerts are supported?
    • You can use SMS in all types of alerts (Pipeline Source Monitoring, SPC, Data Latency and KPI)

    Which phone numbers are currently supported to receive SMS notifications?

    • Only US and Canada phone numbers

    Are we validating phone numbers?

    • No, at the moment we are just validating the format but not if the phone number actually exists.

    Can we customize the alert SMS message?

    •  No, the message content is the same and cannot be modified per customer and/or per user 

    Can I configure both email and SMS notifications for the same person?

    • Yes. The email and SMS notifications must be configured separately.

    Are there any limitations?

    • SMS messages are limited to 160 characters

    Where are notifications coming from?

    • All SMS will come from Sight Machines’s phone number (877) 589-0703