Split Downtimes
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    Split Downtimes

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    Article summary

    You can also capture Planned Downtime events, or re-code certain segments of the original Equipment stop by splitting Downtime events

    For example, if you conduct Planned Maintenance while the equipment is already down due to an unplanned stop, you can split the Downtime event and capture the time duration of the Planned event.  This enables you to accurately capture all Planned and Unplanned events on the line.

    Splitting Downtimes

    To split a Downtime, click on Edit, then click on the Split button.  Drag the slider to capture the duration that you want to split, and add details for Type, Failure Mode, and Failure Mode Cause.

    For example - you can split the Downtime shown below, with Duration of 50 min 13 sec into 2 separate Downtimes - one Planned, and one Unplanned.  This is typical of scenarios where Planned Maintenance is conducted during an Unplanned stop.

    • Planned Downtime — 30 minutes

      • Type: Planned

      • Failure Mode: Planned Maintenance

      • Failure Mode Cause: PM Time

    • Unplanned Downtime - 20 min 13 sec

      • Type: Unplanned

      • Failure Mode: Bottle Quality

      • Failure Mode Cause: Contamination

      • Root Cause: PF

    Saving the Split Downtimes

    Click Save to create the split of the original Downtime into 2 Downtimes.

    You will now see 2 Downtimes in place of the original Downtime.  Each of the new Downtimes will have unique contextual information added by the Operator, including comments.  Split Downtimes are always grouped together to indicate that they were derived from the same original Downtime.

    Modify Duration and Undo Split

    To modify the duration of the split segment, click on Modify Duration and drag the slider to the desired split point.  Modifying duration will not change the selected contextual information including Comments.

    You can also undo the split action by merging the split segment into the original Downtime.  To do this, click on the split segment and click on Delete.

    This will result in the original Downtime being restored, with the added contextual information, as shown below.

    Splitting Downtime Scenarios

    You can split a Downtime into any number of Downtimes.  To split a split Downtime further, simply click Split again.

    However, note that you cannot split an event with duration < 5 minutes.  You also cannot split an active Downtime that has not completed.

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