Weather Data Receiver
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    Weather Data Receiver

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    Article summary

    The open_weather_api data receiver reads current weather data from the OpenWeather API.


    If we want to receive weather information, our configuration will look like:

      "data_receiver": [
          "data_receiver_name": "weather_receiver0",
          "protocol": "open_weather_api",
          "connections": [
              "latitude": 42,
              "longitude": -31,
              "appid": "app_id_goes_here"
          "streams": [
              "asset": "Weather",
              "stream_type": "climate"


    Required and optional properties that can be configured for an OPC UA receiver:

    • data_receiver_name: Unique name of the data receiver. This name will be used to track the progress state of the data stream.
    • protocol: Protocol to be used. Should be set to open_weather_api.
    • connections: How to connect to the weather API. A connection has the following configurable settings:
      1. latitude: Latitude of the location to get the weather for.
      2. longitude: Longitude of the location to get the weather for.
      3. appid: Authentication token (appid aka app key) given by Open Weather – look for it in your OpenWeather account page: – this can take up to 12 hours to activate on OpenWeather’s side. It will return 401s in the meantime.
    • streams: List of data streams. Each input stream has the following configurable settings:
      1. asset: Asset identifier.
      2. stream_type: Type of data stream.
    • poll_interval: The number of seconds to wait between attempts to fetch new data from the weather server.