Workspace Manager
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    Workspace Manager

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    Article summary


    The new workspace manager features a split-screen structure, enabling efficient navigation and management of workspaces:

    • Left Panel: Displays a comprehensive list of available workspaces.

    • Right Panel: Provides a detailed view of pipelines and artifacts associated with the selected workspace.


    Navigation & Search



    Workspaces are categorized into groups, with the "Production Workspace" always pinned at the top for easy access.

    Action for group management:

    • Expand: Click the '+' button to reveal all workspaces within a group.

    • Collapse: Click the '-' button to hide the group.


    Workspaces are organized chronologically by their creation timestamp. Each workspace card includes:

    • In-Use

    • Name

    • ID

    • Last modified time (and user who made last change by hovering over)

    • Stage

    • Notes (by hovering over the info icon)


    Click on a workspace to display its details and navigate easily between workspaces.

    Workspaces with at least one deployed pipeline can be selected to be "In-Use." If no pipelines are deployed, the workspace cannot be set as in-use, and you will be able to see a hover message indicating this reason. 

    Pipelines and Artifacts


    Workspace details are divided:

    • Pipelines Section (Top): Lists all available pipelines.

    • Artifacts Section (Bottom): Displays artifacts comprehensively.


    • Pipelines: Information includes last modified time, modifying user, "processed data until" timestamp, and statuses indicating stages such as running, paused, or draft-only.

    • Artifacts: Presents modification times and users, affecting components like Environment Builder, Data Dictionaries, Runtime Fields, and KPIs.


    Click on a pipeline to navigate to that pipeline canvas, or artifact to navigate to each corresponding page for that workspace.


    The Workspace Manager's search function streamlines finding workspaces by name:

    • Results dynamically filter the left panel, showing matching workspaces.

    • If a search query doesn’t match any workspace, an informative empty state appears.

    • A currently selected workspace that doesn't fit the search criteria will be automatically deselected during the search. 

    • Canceling the search reverts to the last selected workspace, provided it wasn't changed during searching. 


    Validation runs every time the page loads or when changes are introduced to a workspace. During validation, a "validating" message will appear in the pill for the workspace stage, as well as for each pipeline and artifact, until the validation process is completed.



    After validation, every workspace can be in one of these 3 states:

    • Red: Indicates one or more errors across all pipelines and artifacts.

    • Yellow: Indicates that the workspace has been modified, with one or more changes across all pipelines and artifacts, when compared to the top-level workspace in the group

    • Black: Indicates that the workspace has not been modified and is identical to the group workspace, including all pipelines and artifacts.


    Workspaces can have pipelines and artifacts in all three states (Red, Yellow, Black). The priority hierarchy for displaying colors is as follows:

    1. Red: Displayed if there are any errors.

    2. Yellow: Displayed if there are changes but no errors.

    3. Black: Displayed if there are no changes or errors.

    This hierarchy ensures that critical issues are prioritized visually for quick identification and resolution.

    Archived Workspaces

    This feature allows you to clean up your workspace list by moving workspaces that are no longer needed to an archive. Archiving workspaces is ideal for managing resources efficiently, as it removes unnecessary clutter and reduces additional costs. This ensures that active and relevant workspaces stay visible, while archived ones remain easily accessible yet hidden from the default view for better organization.


    Archived workspaces are hidden by default. Use the top left button to toggle the visibility of archived workspaces:

    • Show Archived: Click the "Show Archived" button at the top of the workspace list. This reveals all archived workspaces, and they are presented along with the active ones. Image

    • Hide Archived: Click the "Hide Archived" button to hide the archived workspaces and return to the default view.

    Archived workspaces have a distinctive blue color to help you distinguish them from active workspaces.


    Archived workspaces are sorted by their creation date and are displayed within the context of the group workspace they belonged to before being archived.

    For group workspaces, they are also sorted by creation date and organized relative to other group workspaces, with the exception of production workspace, that’s always on the top.


    Archived workspace details are identical to active ones and include:

    • Name

    • ID

    • Last Modified Time

    • Notes

    • Stage

    Additionally, you can view all pipelines and artifacts that were part of the workspace when it was active. 

    Please note:

    • Pipelines and artifacts in archived workspaces are not accessible.


    Archiving a workspace is straightforward and ensures that it is not deleted but simply hidden from the active list:

    1. Locate the Workspace:

      • Scroll through the active workspace list to find the workspace you wish to archive. 

    2. Archive the Workspace:

      • Click the three-dot menu ("...") on the workspace card.

      • Select “Management", and then “Archive”  from the dropdown menu.


      • An alert will appear, requiring confirmation to prevent accidental actions.

      • Upon confirmation, the workspace will immediately move to the "Archived Workspaces" list. 

    Please note:

    • Any workspace and group workspace, except the production workspace, can be archived.

    • There are no restrictions based on pipeline status. This means that you can archive a workspace or group workspace or even if it has running pipelines.


    Restoring a workspace is straightforward and ensures that you can reactivate an archived workspace from the archive list:

    1. Locate the Workspace:

      • Scroll through the archived workspace list to find the workspace you wish to restore.

    2. Restore the Workspace:

      • Click the three-dot menu ("...") on the workspace card.

      • Select "Management," and then "Restore" from the dropdown menu.

      • An alert will appear, requiring confirmation before restoring the workspace.

      • Upon confirmation, the workspace will immediately move to the "Active Workspaces" list.

    Please note:

    • Restoring a workspace will not reactivate any deployed pipelines or processed data that was present in the workspace when it was archived.

    • Restored workspaces are automatically marked as "Restored," but this status can be modified if needed.

    Workspace Actions

    This article will guide you through the process of managing workspace actions, including creating, copying, uploading, downloading, and renaming workspaces. 

    Create New Workspace

    Create a new group workspace, providing a clean slate for data and pipeline setup.

    • Click on the "Options" button on the top right cornerImage

    • Click on "Create New Workspace"

    • Provide a new name for your new group workspace

    • Click on "Create Workspace" button to complete your action 

    • Your new group workspace will appear below the Production workspace group

    Rename a Workspace 

    Update the name of a workspace for clarity and better organization.

    • Select the workspace you want to rename

    • Change the name, and then press "Return" on your keyboard to finalize the action

    Workspace Actions


    Duplicate an existing workspace within a group. This includes sharing all deployed pipelines, allowing for rapid development and adaptation of existing setups.

    • Select the workspace you want to copy

    • Access the overflow menu for the workspace

    • Navigate to the Actions menu, select Copy

    • Choose a name for the new workspace

    • Finally, click the "Create Workspace" button to complete the creation of a copy.


    Analyze differences between two workspaces, including pipelines and artifacts

    • Go to Actions and select "Compare."

    • Select the workspaces you want to compare


    Merge two workspaces directly without having to go through Compare first.

    • Go to Actions and select "Merge."

    • Choose the two workspaces you want to merge, and Add a name for the new workspace that will be created  

    Set as Production

    Set a workspace as the new production workspace, thus replacing the existing one. 

    • Go to the workspace you want to set as Production.

    • Select "Set as Production" from the Actions menu.

    • Confirm the action within the modal

    Workspace Details


    Edit or review notes for a workspace

    • Access Notes via Details menu

    • The Notes section is now separate from other detail information


    Trace the data lineage between workspaces

    • Access Lineage via the Details section

    • The Lineage section is displayed independently.

    Revision History

    View past changes made to the workspace to track progress and identify discrepancies.

    • Access the Revision History via the Details menu.

    Error Report

    Review detailed error reports to identify and address issues affecting workspace functionality.

    • Access the Error Report from the Details menu.

    Workspace Management


    Download a workspace configuration to your local device.

    • Go to Management and then Download

    • The workspace will be automatically download in your local device


    Upload a workspace configuration to restore or replicate a workspace

    • Navigate to the Management menu and select "Upload."

    • Choose the configuration file from your device and upload it.


    Move the workspace  to the archive to declutter the active workspace list.

    • Select the workspace you wish to archive.

    • Access the Actions menu and select "Archive."

    Archive Workspace

    Move the top-level group workspace to the archive to declutter the active workspace list.

    • Select the group workspace you wish to archive.

    • Access the Actions menu and select "Archive Workspace"


    Bring an archived workspace back into the active list without modifying its previous configuration.

    • Navigate to the Archived Workspaces section.

    • Select the workspace you wish to restore and choose "Restore."


    Permanently remove a workspace. This action is irreversible, but can only be performed on Archived workspaces

    • Select the archived workspace you want to delete.

    • Access the Actions menu and select "Delete."

    • Confirm the action in the prompt to finalize deletion.

    Pipelines Actions

    Create New Pipeline

    • Select the workspace where you want to create a new pipeline. 

    • Click on the plus button to add new pipeline


    • Provide a name for your new pipeline and click on create your pipeline.

    • Your new pipeline will appear within your workspace, underneath any existing pipelines.

    Rename a Pipeline

    • Select the name of the pipeline you want to rename

    • Change the name, and press return on your keyboard to finalize the action.

    Pipeline Operations

    Note that all pipeline operations require deploy pipeline to be used.

    Run / Pause

    • Select the deployed pipeline you want to run/pause

    • There are 3 ways to run/pause a deployed pipeline 

    • First way - Click on the overflow menu of the deployed pipeline you want to run/pause, and then click on Run or Pause

    • Second way - Run/pause the pipeline directly from the button within the card.

    • Third way - You can run/pause all the pipelines within the workspace clicking the respective buttons on the top right corner for the Pipeline section

    Pipeline Actions

    Copy a Pipeline

    • Select the pipeline you want to copy

    • Click on the overflow menu

    • Click on Actions 

    • Click on Copy

    • Provide a name for your copy, and click Create Pipeline to finalize your action

    Note that this creates a copy of the pipeline, but only copies the drafts and not the deployed version of that pipeline.

    Download a Pipeline

    • Click on the overflow menu

    • Click on Actions 

    • Click on Download

    • A JSON file with the pipeline configuration will be automatically downloaded into your local device

    Upload a Pipeline

    • You'll be asked to provide a new name for the pipeline. The new uploaded pipeline will replace the existing one.

    Remove a Pipeline

    • Go to Actions, click Remove, and you'll be able to remove a pipeline

    Pipeline Details


    • You'll find notes for the pipeline along with data processing information by going into overflow menu, click on Detail and then Notes

    Revision History

    • You'll find Revision History by going into overflow menu, click on Details and then Revision History

    • Revision History now includes multiple pipelines as well
