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Field Explorer
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What is Field Explorer?
Field Explorer is a new tool designed to facilitate searching and browsing of all available fields within your environment. With this tool, you can access comprehensive information related to each field, empowering you to make informed decisions when building Runtime Fields or KPI formulas, or want to use them in other parts of the platform.
Field Explorer is presently accessible solely within your in-use workspace. Should you wish to explore fields in other workspaces, you will need to adjust your selection in Factory Build beforehand.
Accessing Field Explorer
To access Field Explorer, navigate to the #/field-explorer page, available at https://<environment-name>.sightmachine.io/. Your link should look like this https://<environment-name>.sightmachine.io/#/field-explorer
Exploring Fields
In Field Explorer, you'll find an overview of available fields at the top right corner, including the count of fields available and currently being viewed.
For each field, you can search and filter based on the following attributes:
Display Name
Field Name
Field Type
Data Type
Machine Type
Raw Field Name
System Field (NEW)
UI Hidden (NEW)

Explore Categorical Values
For categorical fields, you can explore what values that specific field contains within a specific period of time by clicking the table icon on the first column

Visualize Data from Field Explorer
You can now visualize your data directly from within Field Explorer, by clicking on the graph icon in the left most column. You can also explore advanced visualizations of the selected field by clicking on the "Go to Datavis" icon at top right - this will pre-select the field and open the Data Visualization application in Factory ANALYZE.

Filter data by model
You can now filter data fields in the Field Explorer by Data Model. Supported models include:
Parts / Lots
Raw Data